Labels:dialog box | sky OCR: Teminology Meld 8 point total papueme for predefined combinations of cards appearing in players hand before the actual p1ay begins Me1d is counted for each team after the high bidder has called trump provided that at least one member of that team bid least once High Point Take Once the pued is over (ie a11 cards have been p1ayed) one point for each Ace Ten pue King in the teams trick pile Queens pue Jacks are woth zero points Since there are four 01 every card 1r the deck there are total 01 4of each) 4(suits) X 3A en King 'High Points per hand An additional two points are to the Leem who takes the last trick for total 01 18 or 50 points per hand. the contract amount of the highest bidder's team. On1y the highest bidder's team must fulfill their contract That the sum their meld pue high poi ...